Neurosurgical Consultants, Inc. Practice Manager, Ann Guiral
- Q: Do I need an appointment to see one of your doctors?
- A: Yes, appointments are required.
- Q: Do you accept my insurance?
- A: While we accept most insurance coverages, it is impossible to participate with all carriers. This is why we require the "Pre-registration Insurance Certification" process
- Q: Do I need an insurance referral to see the doctors of
Neurosurgical Consultants?
- A: Most managed care programs require a written referral from your primary care physician. Without this form, your insurance company will refuse to pay for your visit, and therefore, you will be asked to pay for services at the time of your appointment, prior to being seen. We are required to comply with contractual rules of your health plan-so please help us by attending to your part of the paperwork.
- Q: Why must I fill out a registration form before
my office visit?
- A: To simplify the registration process, we ask that new patients provide information in advance of their visit. Each insurance plan has different rules, and a patient's employer may have recently changed insurance carriers. If we receive this information in advance, we can deal with any questions prior to the visit. Having a copy of your insurance card ahead of time will allow us to verify benefits and coverage before the visit.
- Q: What if my insurance referral does not arrive in time
for my appointment?
- A: You will be given the opportunity to call your primary physician and get a referral number for your appointment, you may reschedule your appointment to a more convenient time or you may sign an insurance waiver and pay for your appointment. If we receive payment from your insurance carrier later, your payment will be refunded.
- Q: What is your policy regarding co-pays?
- A: Most health policies today have a co-pay. You'll be asked to settle this at the time of your visit, prior to being seen. Also, you'll be asked to pay for services that are not covered by your policy.
- Q: Do you accept Workers' Compensation?
- A: Yes. Keep in mind that Workers' Compensation treatment requires written verification and billing information from your employer. We will need your insurance company's name, address, date of accident and claim number before you arrive so that coverage can be verified. Without this, you will be responsible for payment at the time of the visit.
- Q: I was in a motor vehicle accident and my lawyer is
handling my "medicals." Is that ok?
- A: Unfortunately, we are unable to provide services to you and bill a third party (other than an insurance company). In this situation, payment for your visit will be required before you see the doctor. Call ahead to obtain the expected fee for your visit. We can accept cash, a personal check, Mastercard, Visa, and American Express. For more information regarding Motor Vehicle Accidents and Personal Injury, click on policy.
- Q: I was injured in a Motor Vehicle Accident. Why must I
give you my Health Insurance information and get an HMO referral?
- A: Many times it is later determined that your health insurance carrier accepts responsibility for coverage. For more information regarding Motor Vehicle Accidents and Personal Injury, click on policy.
- Q: Do I need to bring X-rays to my appointment?
- A: It is extremely helpful to have your X-ray
films, MRI films, and CT films or a CD with the images. In addition, bring any other
test results with you.
- Q: I have waited several weeks for my appointment and I
have just had an emergency or developed an illness. Should I keep my
- A: If you must cancel your appointment at the last minute, please call and we will make every effort to accommodate you as soon as you are well.
- Q: I feel like I am "coming down with a cold (or flu)
and my surgery is scheduled in a few days." What should I do?
- A: Call as soon as possible. We can sometimes switch your surgery date with someone else's and thereby get you rescheduled sooner after your recovery than we otherwise could. Remember, it usually takes two weeks to recover from a virus.
- Q: Why does the doctor take telephone calls that interrupt my visit and / or cause him to be late?
- A: The calls are generally from other doctors or the hospital and concern urgent patient needs. Since our other neurosurgeons are in the operating room, the office physician takes these calls when received.
- Q: Why isn't my doctor in the office on the same day every week?
- A: The doctors of Neurosurgical Consultants, Inc. rotate their days in the office in a repeating pattern. This gives each doctor's patients an equal opportunity to see their doctor on the day of the week of their choice.
- Q: Why was my appointment canceled?
- A: Surgical emergencies can cause the cancellation or delay of office visits and outpatient procedures. You may want to call the office on the morning of your appointment to be sure we are on schedule. We will always try to reschedule a prompt alternate appointment.
- Q: Do I need an appointment to receive a prescription refill?
- A: Depending on the date of your last visit or your next
visit, you may not need an office appointment for a refill. As a matter of
office policy, prescription refills require two (2) working days for
preparation. There will be no refills called to your
pharmacy after regular business hours, on weekends, or on Holidays. Because of Massachusetts
law, many medications require a written prescription. It is the patient's
responsibility to pick up the prescription at our office during regular
business hours. Lost narcotic prescriptions can not be replaced until the
expected renewal date.
- Q: On what Holidays are you closed?
- A: Neurosurgical Consultants, Inc. is closed on the following Holidays:
New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Day, President's Day, Patriot's Day,
Memorial Day, Juneteenth, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's
Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Afternoon of Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day.
- Q: Whom do I call regarding a question about my bill?
- A: Call our billing coordinator at
(781) 769-4640 ext. 124.
- Q: Why do I have to fill out a long health questionnaire?
- A: To deliver proper care, it is important for your doctor to know your health history. The form you fill out will be entered into the computer for his review at the time of your visit. If you have an e-mail account and access to the Internet, this information can be entered through a "Portal" provided by our EMR (Electronic Medical Record) software. It is fast, simple, and easier than filling out the paper form. Alternatively, you may obtain a copy of the "Patient Health History" form on this web site. After completion, it should be mailed or faxed to our office so that the information can be entered into the computer before your arrival.
Please note: the information provided is not reviewed by a doctor until your visit.
- Q: What is your policy regarding missed appointments?
- A: A "No Show" is considered to be failure to attend a scheduled appointment without calling to cancel the appointment at least 24 hours in advance, unless due to serious emergency. Because the patients of Neurosurgical Consultants, Inc. must sometimes wait for an available appointment, this failure to attend an appointment has significant impact on other patients, as well as to the physicians of Neurosurgical Consultants. Therefore, Neurosurgical Consultants found it necessary to implement a No Show Policy on May 1, 2006.
We previously instituted a policy of notifying the PCP or referring doctor if a patient fails to show for a scheduled appointment. Beginning May 1, 2006, if a patient calls to schedule another appointment after a "No Show," he/she will be informed of our No Show Policy and that he/she will have to sign an acknowledgement of this policy at his/her next visit. The patient will also be informed that there will be a charge of $50 each for the second and third No Show Visits. Further, it will be explained that if there are a total of three (3) No Show Visits, the patient will receive a letter dismissing him/her from the practice. A similar letter will be sent to the primary physician or referring physician.
- Q: What is HIPAA?
- A: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Q: Why is HIPAA important to me?
- A: This Federal Act governs the privacy of your health information. In actuality, the doctors and employees of Neurosurgical Consultants have always protected the privacy of patients' health information; this act outlines the specific process that insures the protection of a patient's private health information. You can review Neurosurgical Consultants Privacy Policy by clicking on policy.
- Q: Why has there been so much discussion about HIPAA lately?
- A: The first stage of HIPAA went into effect on April 14, 2003.
- Q: Why is Neurosurgical Consultants' privacy policy so long and complicated?
- A: HIPAA is complicated. Our privacy policy has been simplified to make it easier to understand. It was modeled after the American Medical Association's privacy policy for practitioners.
- Q: Why must I sign a consent form to see the doctor?
- A: HIPAA requires all patients to be familiar with their physician's privacy policy so that they will know their rights. Therefore, after April 14, 2003, all patients will be asked to read the policy and sign the appropriate form.
- Q: What if I don't want to sign the "Consent for Purposes of Treatment, Payment and Healthcare Operations Form?"
- A: Although no one can make you sign the consent form, it will be required to be evaluated and treated by the doctors of Neurosurgical Consultants, Inc.
- Q: Why do you have a Pain Management Agreement?"
- A: The purpose of the Pain Management Agreement is to clarify expectations and prevent misunderstandings about certain medicines you will be (or are) taking for pain control. This Agreement will help both you and your practitioner to comply with the law and policies regarding controlled pharmaceuticals. This Agreement also clarifies expectations of you, your practitioner, covering practitioners, nursing staff, local pharmacies, and others.
It is the policy of this office that the patient is responsible for the payment of all office visits. Payment must be made at the time of the visit, before being seen by the physician. Bills will not be forwarded to attorneys for payment. You may forward your receipted bill to your attorney for reimbursement.
If you have health insurance and we are contracted providers, the visit fee will be billed directly to your insurance carrier. You must bring your motor vehicle insurance information, health care insurance information and an "exhausted PIP (Personal Injury Protection) Letter," if available. Please note, if your health insurance typically requires "referrals" for specialty care, you are also responsible for providing a referral and authorization number from your primary care physician, before your visit.
If non-emergent surgery is recommended, documentation from your insurance carrier is required before scheduling. It should verify coverage and your responsibility for payment of all bills pertaining to surgery. We will need the date of injury, claim number, and billing address.